Definition Assets

Assets  or affluence  is property owned by a company that serves as a resource in the operational activities of the company. In the balance sheet, the assets is based on liquidity. Assets in a company consists of the main components, namely:
1. Current assets (current assets), the most liquid assets (have high liquidity) or the most easily converted into cash. property owned by the company in the form of cash or non cash that could be withdrawn or cashed in less than one year. Current assets are assets that can only be used one or several times in the production process and have the economic life of a short (less than one year). Examples of current assets include cash (cash), accounts receivable, equipment, and inventories of merchandise (in accounting trading company), notes receivable, prepaid expenses.
2. Fixed assets (fixed assets), the asset that can be used repeatedly for the production and long economic life (more than one year). Fixed assets are divided into three, namely invetasi long-term, tangible fixed assets (Tangible Assets), and intangible fixed assets (Intangible Assets). Were included in the tangible fixed assets such as equipment, machinery, land, vehicles, and buildings or building. Baridwan Zaki said that "tangible fixed assets that are relatively permanently (indicating that the nature of the assets can be used for a relatively long time) used in the company's activities." While that belonged intangible fixed assets include: goodwill, franchise , trademarks, leases, patents, and copyrights.
3. Other assets, is a group of assets which can not be classified in current assets and fixed assets. Examples of other assets such as buildings are still under construction and consignment goods.


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